utorok 30. júna 2015

My conversion

El Greco - Ježiš, Spasiteľ sveta
It was june 30th. I was looking for something spiritual. I tried a lot of things, which I would call now pseudospiritual. I was hungry. Hungry for truth. And though I did not know it, I was hungry for God. I was attending a catholic high school, so I had a lot of friends and classmates, that was christians. When we were on a school trip, one girl from my class told me about their prayer group and about Holy Spirit. I started to long for Holy Spirit. Few days later (it was on the end of June 2005) I asked my best friend in class, who was and still is a very good christian, this question: „Should I go to confession, if I want to receive Holy Spirit?“. „It would be good,“ he said. So I went to confession and few days later I visited meeting of that prayer group. I remember that very well. It was in one private house and there were a lot of people – young and old and kids. Everybody was praying. They were also praying in tongues, that was a bit strange to me at first, but I was used to unusual things. Core of the story is this: The woman, who led the prayer, asked us to open our hearts to Jesus. I was thinking: „Jesus, I want to open my heart to you so much, but I don´t know how to do it.“ I was almost desperate. I really wanted to do it. I longed for Jesus. Maybe I did not know why. But I wanted to. And that was the key. Desire. Maybe was desire the thing, that opened the door of my heart.
That night my life changed. I was leaving that house with songs of worship and on the way to bus station I was singing: „I do not fear, because You are with me.“ I was as light as a feather.
My heart was filled. But it was only beginning of the adventure. I found only the wardrobe to Narnia.
There was a lot of things, that had to be found.
Two months later I was given a beautiful gift – prayer group in one village near my residence.
But this is another story. Longer story, but at least so beautiful as this one.
Let convert our hearts to Jesus!

Thanks for reading! J

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