štvrtok 15. októbra 2015

Dnes zomrelo 140 000 ľudí... Today died 140,000 people...

...následkom potratu.

Áno, toto číslo je neuveriteľné. A preto s tým musíme niečo robiť - ja i ty - spoločne. Musíme sa modliť, hovoriť o tom, písať o tom, hocičo...

Nemôžeme to nechať tak.

Viete si predstaviť, keby sa na niekde na svete stala nejaká katastrofa, ktorá by si vyžiadala 100 000 životov?

Počúvali by sme o tom týždne.

OSN by vyslala humanitárne jednotky, ktoré by na tom mieste boli azda ešte aj rok potom.

A čo ak...

Čo ak by sa začala šíriť nejaká choroba, ktorá by si denne vyžiadala 140 tisíc životov?

Stretla by sa G8, Barack by hádam zavolal aj samotnému Putinovi, len aby proti tomu spoločne niečo spravili. Pripomínam, že by šlo o celosvetovo rozšírený vírus.

Na chvíľu by celá zem zabudla na všetky vojny, nepokoje a hádky. Všetci by sa sústredili na jedno: zastaviť vírus, ktorý dennodenne zabije 140 000 ľudí z nás.

Ale, priatelia, ono sa to deje!

Do dnešného dňa za posledných 35 rokov zmizlo zo sveta vďaka potratu, a teraz počúvajte, 1 miliarda 351 miliónov ľudí. A čo tie potraty, o ktorých ani nevieme? Abortívne tabletky, vnútromaternicové telieska...

Z našich siedmich kamarátov, ktorých sme mohli mať, je len šesť. Siedmy zomrel v následku tejto epidémie.

Musíme proti tomu niečo spraviť. Na začiatok: nesmieme zabúdať, že sa to deje. Lebo ono sa to deje.

(Kým ste čítali tento príspevok zomrelo takto na svete ďalších 89 detí.)


... because of abortion.

Yes, this is an incredible number. And so we have to do something with that - you and I - together. 
We must pray, we must talk about it, write about it... do anything.

We can not leave it as it is.

Can you imagine that somewhere in the world has become a disaster, which would require 100,000 lives?

We were listening about it for weeks.

UN would send there humanitarian units, which would have been there even also the year after the disaster.

And what if ...

What if had began to spread some disease that would have necessitated 140,000 lives per day?
G8 would make a meeting. Barack perhaps would call to even Putin himself, just to do something against it. This virus would be worldwide.

For a moment, the whole earth would forget about all wars, riots and quarrels. Everyone should concentrate on one thing: stop a virus that kills every day 140,000 people among us.

But, friends, it's happening!

During the last 35 years disappeared from the world because of abortion, and now listen, 1 billion 351 million of people. And what about the abortion, about which we do not know? Abortifacient pills, IUDs ...

From our seven friends, who we can have, we have only six. The seventh died in the aftermath of the epidemic.

We need to do something with it. At the beginning we must not forget that this is happening. Because IT IS.

(While you were reading this post, in the world have died other 89 children.)

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